Vocabularian: Episode 8.5- What's Firm?
We put the "mental" in supplemental on this one. Also, Mark forgets how to read.
We put the "mental" in supplemental on this one. Also, Mark forgets how to read.
Andrew leads us in sportsball themed games!
So yeah, I try to get the show out by Tuesday, but sometimes that doesn't work.
Literary Parkour has returned! Scotland is obsessed with an annoying song.
Scotland took the reigns on this one, and surprisingly he didn't have to be censored even once!
bit.ly/vocabularianapple bit.ly/googlemywords
This supplemental episode is all about replacing swear words with other things. Here's the clip from the Snakes on a Plane TV edit: https://youtu.be/z4t6zNZ-b0A
Apologies for the static at the beginning- some of the audio was slightly corrupted. Also, yes, it's over a week late. Sorry. Trigger warning: We say "bastard" in this episode.
This is our first supplemental episode! It's shorter than usual, but hopefully it will sate your appetites until the next episode.
Side note: I'm trying something different with the RSS feed for the show on iTunes. Hopefully everything will work as well as usual; but if episodes disappear, rest assured that they will come back!
This week, we get to play some games with Jamal Talley, host of Conversations with the Beard. Also, we are officially going weekly! Regular episode every other week with shorter supplemental episodes in-between! subscribe/rate/review. bit.ly/vocabularianapple for itunes and bit.ly/googlemywords for GooglePlay!
It's all fun and games until the police come after you for using your Ex's Netflix account. Also, Scotland has an IMDB page, apparently. Legal disclaimer: Mark Jones is not a licensed attorney anywhere in the world.
Subscribe on iTunes: bit.ly/vocabularianapple
Subscribe on Google Play: bit.ly/googlemywords
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We turn words around backwards! Also, Scotland may or may not have said very offensive things.
Many people cringe when they hear certain words, such as "Moist." We asked some of our friends to provide us with a list of words to which they are averse- Hilarity ensued.
This is a new podcast devoted to toying with the written and spoken word! If we get some good feedback, we will actually set up a dedicated RSS feed. Please leave your comments below to let us know what you think!